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Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody

Genre: Fantasy

Series: Standalone

Sorina has spent most of her life within the smoldering borders of the Gomorrah Festival. As an illusion-worker she stands out as being able to create whole people that make up the Festival’s Freak show. But no matter how lifelike they seem, they’re still illusions. Or at least that’s what Sorina thinks until they start being murdered.

The love interest is asexual and while the word is not used it is outlined in the text by repeatedly saying he’s “not into that kind of thing”. He ends up in a romantic relationship with the main character and plays a big role in the murder mystery as a potential suspect with the ability to heal from anything. His orientation is first mentioned through gossip as “strange” and making friends with sex workers very early on in the story. He confirms it later after the main character kisses him and he’s had time to think. It’s also implied that he might not experience romantic interest before

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